
My thoery on double bellies

This has been gone over many, many times before.

Ultimately, it's genetics. Clothing generally has no effect on where fat goes or how it develops.
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

I agree with it being genetics. Don't forget we've got an awful lot of variance with our genes (even if less compared to other animals). smiley Look at how different we all look!
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

PoeticVisionary wrote:
I don't think it is caused by genetics because it would be a uniform shape on multiple women and it seems that it varies in positioning depending on where a women wears her pants for example it may be above the navel or beneath the navel. Genetics only plays a part in women storing more subcutaneous fat that is under skin how it is shaped is affected by outside pressures.

If it's genetic, why would there be uniformity?

Hair color is also genetic, but there's many different shades. To claim that it isn't genetic because there is variance in the appearance shows a complete ignorance of what you're talking about.
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

It's genetic.

Clothes don't shape your body. Your body shapes your clothes.
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

Perhaps in the same sense that foot binding can affect the structure of one's feet, but as has been gone over many times before that would require a high amount of pressure over an extended period of time- not just having a muffin top for a few hours a day.
12 years

My thoery on double bellies

I'm calling BS on everyone!!!

God puts FAT where God wants FAT!!!
God puts ROLES where God wants ROLES!!!

Ha ha... I had to go there.

I actually believe it has a combination of both, genetics and environmental influences.
12 years